Home Automation Lighting Systems, Smart Home Technology
Cleverhouse smart home lighting systems create simple lighting scenes in one room, your entire home and even outdoors via stylish control panels conveniently located in place of traditional light switches or using your smart phone/iPad.
By creating various scenes at the touch of a button to suit your mood the result is simply stunning. Also intuitive programming and home automation features allow your lighting to respond to the conditions around you, e.g. lights come on as the sun goes down or as you enter a room. Come home from work to find your smart home ready to welcome you in and low level lighting when you move around the house at night.
Imagine leaving the home and a touch of a button puts your house into holiday mode leaves your home safe. The lights are programmed to emulate your movements throughout the home in the last few days and play back the scenario when you leave, giving the impression of your home whilst absent. Then when you arrive home the house can welcome you back with a pathway of lighting from your front door to your kitchen. All this and more is possible with Cleverhouse lighting control systems.